every onehates blu ray? poor people?
wtf is with this blu ray hating and ps3 pricing??? the fact is that...
blu ray: its better than hd and has an alternate ending option for some movies.
"waa im too poor to afford a ps3 waa waa trailer park.. well you know what technically xbox 360 costs more if you think about it.
.xbox live + 60 annually - Ps3 online is free
.for all of the extra gear you need it costs anothe 100-200 dollars- ps3 has them already
.more game=more money spent=bill gates gets rich and no one else
.finnaly-RED RING OF DEATH. enuff said.or is it...since this creates an increasing rate of 40% failure rate people are on their 12-18 xbox already and this makes some people convert to ps3-wii}ism. + since the memory card is connected to the 360 this is a BAD THING(that is worth about 200+ dollars in itself.
so umm add that up...and u get a sum of 700 + $60 a year which is quite a bit more than ps3's current $400 + $0 a year. think about that when u play next.